RIFT: in honor of the new measurements in the game of a celebration

Rift v chest novyh izmereniy v igre ustroyat prazdnik 419897
15 April 2013

The team of developers RIFT pleased to report on a new dimension, which should appear in the project as early as next week. In fact, the creators of so satisfied and pleased by this circumstance that brought together participants to arrange for his decorating small prazdnichek. By the way, if you had time even to subscribe to the newsletter of the project, the developers, and you will make a gift of a pair of ferns. And then your personal dimension also become prettier.

The beginning of the festive opening event is scheduled for today at 16:30 on the North American time. In Thunder Dimension, and this is the name of the opening event, the men of three teams will compete for the status of the great measurement. On top of everything else, however, is April 18, the team wants to hold a special tour to showcase a different perspective its new dimension, showing that tremendous opportunities in the region. For this reason, if you have plans for the construction of its own ideal measurement, wait a little longer, that's all.

Recall that the online game Rift out in Russia in December 2011. The game turned in the fantasy world of Telara, tormented beings from other dimensions. Once in a mystical Telaru breaks, whose nature has not been studied to the end, otherworldly forces always harmful. Factions Guardians and Renegades always hard fight with monsters that invade from faults.

Source: mmogamez


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