The Secret World: monthly updates for the game too much for developers

The secret world ezhemesyachnye obnovleniya dlya igry ne po plechu razrabotchikam 217029
27 February 2013

Not long ago, the creative director of the game Baylos Joel was forced to admit that Funcom not equal monthly release updates for the project. Delineated problem when the company failed to collect a month ago in North Carolina quickly and easily all those involved in this project, all of it. At first, everything comes down to temporary difficulties that affected the move command. And it was that, though this factor should not affect the period of the patch, but only cause a reduction in their volume.

But a little later, everyone understood that the situation more critical than originally anticipated. Delays in moving employees to North Carolina from other states will take time for documents. Joel says, will soon happen so that the output of monthly updates physically will not have enough people. It is unknown how often to go dopolneniya.No company regularly updates the The Secret World, and the players get bored.

Well, this deceleration speed of development has contributed to the game - now the time the patch Issue # 6 moved from the end of February to the beginning marta.Napomnim, Issue # 6 story takes place in Egypt. Well, fans of the game expects the new storyline. Plus, the developers have promised to start work support system for veterans, and the most active players will be based on rewards.

Source: GamesMail



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