Description of the game Drakensang Online

Opisanie igry drakensang online 494676
22 February 2013

This browser-based MMORPG created specifically for those who like an epic fantasy. The game's graphics perfectly spelled, reminding clients more games. Not without dynamic shadows, spectacular lighting effects and spells.

In this multifaceted universe players will meet with the bloodthirsty monsters, cunning thieves and majestic dragons. Any adventurer wants to find a powerful artifact and the vast riches hidden in secret vaults Doria.

In a stunning world of Drakensang Online Magic Ball ruled by force. In the grand cities and battlefields are many mysteries and secrets that see through only those adventurers who were most attentive and persistent. Mankind has long sought to be the Most Powerful civilization Doria. This empire conquered new territory. Fairies, trolls and gremlins have nowhere to go. Peaceful life ended with the betrayal. Gradually grim cult becomes more powerful than the human empire. Woke up from a dream dragon, the ancient and the main enemy of the people. And it was dark cultists released from prison a mighty dragon, which lasted for thousands of years.

Drakensang Online is the world really need heroes to help ordinary citizens Doria, who are constantly struggling. The awakening dragon crept and other monsters left their dark caves and crevices. And so on!

Players are given access to three classes - Dragon Warriors, Scouts and Mages Circle, they are all strong in their own way, much everything depends on your playing style and preferences. Although the developers have promised to soon create a whole new class of games. Yet unknown - what it will be.

Education in the Circle of Mages is available only to those students who are proficient and endowed with an inquisitive mind. Upon completion of training the young Wizards Circle will reign over the elements of nature - the fire, lightning and ice. And mages can significantly increase his spiritual powers, referring to the help of special magical essences. By the way, the magicians, the distance - menacing and terrible melee vulnerable. Circle of Magi long fought. Its members have studied alchemy, wrote books, and so on. But after awakening of the ancient evil members of the Inner Circle had to call the bravest wizards to fight against it.

Scouts from early childhood struggling with the dangers, they become dangerous enemies and great arrows. In close combat, they like a particular bow, which is almost more dangerous than the sword. In front of us - a dynamic class, Scouts will have to defeat the enemy is always to be in motion.

Source: eXGamer


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